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From this Playlist: More And More
More Apologetics - Pleasing God More Means Knowing, Sharing, And Defending What We Believe
Pastor Jay Overbay • Last Sunday
More Community - Pleasing God More Means Being An Active Part Of God's Family
Pastor Jay Overbay • 9/8/2024
More Attention - Pleasing God More Means Learning To Listen To What Jesus Is Saying
Pastor Jay Overbay • 9/1/2024
More Discipleship - Pleasing God More Means Deciding Today To Follow Jesus
Pastor Jay Overbay • 8/25/2024
More Humility - Pleasing God More Means Making My Life More About Him And Less About Me
Pastor Jay Overbay • 8/18/2024
More Acton - Pleasing God More Being Burdened Enough To Get To Work
Pastor Jay Overbay • 8/4/2024
More Surrender - Pleasing God More Means Being Determined To Give God My Best
Pastor Jay Overbay • 8/11/2024
More Vulnerability - Pleasing God More Means Being Willing To Engage Today In God's Plan
Pastor Jay Overbay • 7/14/2024
More Availability - Pleasing God More Means Being Ready For God To Strengthen And Use
Pastor Jay Overbay • 7/28/2024
More Pioneers - Pleasing God More Means Take Small Steps Toward Greater Things
Pastor Jay Overbay • 6/23/2024
More Confidence - Pleasing God More Means Believing Where I'm At That God Can
Pastor Jay Overbay • 6/9/2024
More Conviction - Pleasing God More Means Learning To Live Life Intentionally
Pastor Jay Overbay • 5/19/2024